Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Week Question 3

Over the course of the class I have learned a lot about critical thinking and other aspects of arguments. But I think what will stick the most is the idea of the argument forms. When I took a math class last semester we slightly went over the ideas of Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens, and when that was brought up again in this class I think it will stick in my mind forever. Modus Ponens is an argument form which is stated as so, If p then q happens, p is happening therefore q. While modus Tollens is, if p implies q, and q is false then p must also be false. These argument forms help to sort out ideas that will happen. Such as if it is raining out side then I will go to the movie theater, it is raining, therefore I will go to the movie theater. ( Modus Ponens)
-Mike Ross

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