Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last week Question 1

Over the length of this course I have learned many things about myself and my time management abilities. When I first signed up for this class I was very nervous because I felt that I would not be able to handle the time and effort that you had to put into a online class in order to succeed, and when the class first started I was freaking out because I had no clue what to do. But over the length of the course I found ways to make it simple for me to finish my work in a timely manor and have time to study and do everything that I need for my personal life. I also learned how to work in groups better, this was one of my favorite aspects of the class because we got randomly selected to work with a group of people and  had to put together several projects. I enjoyed taking this class and I am happy I manned up and decided to take the extra 3 units of an online class:D

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Week Question 2

There were many positives to this class and I personally feel not to many negatives. My favorite thing about this class by far would have to be how you can manage it around your own time. For me personally I work 25 hours a week, have 15 units and part of an on campus organization and it is very hard for me to make it to classes sometimes, and this class worked perfectly for me because I could do my work over the weekends/ at late nights. My least favorite thing about the class would have to be getting into it for the first couple of weeks, it was very confusing at first and I feel the process of introduction to the course could have been a little better planned out/ explained. But overall the class was fairly easy and I actually learned a lot, I feel the discussion post actually make us think rather than just having us repeat material that we had already read which makes it more entertaining to do.
-Mike Ross

Last Week Question 3

Over the course of the class I have learned a lot about critical thinking and other aspects of arguments. But I think what will stick the most is the idea of the argument forms. When I took a math class last semester we slightly went over the ideas of Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens, and when that was brought up again in this class I think it will stick in my mind forever. Modus Ponens is an argument form which is stated as so, If p then q happens, p is happening therefore q. While modus Tollens is, if p implies q, and q is false then p must also be false. These argument forms help to sort out ideas that will happen. Such as if it is raining out side then I will go to the movie theater, it is raining, therefore I will go to the movie theater. ( Modus Ponens)
-Mike Ross

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov 11th-18th Question 3

One aspect of this chapter that I vound very interesting was the idea of the Scientific Method. Though the scientific method is not something new to me it is one of the easiest to explain. The boss text best described the scientific method as “ Involving the identification of a problem and the rigorous, systematic of observation and experimentation in testing an explanation for the problem.” The scientific method in the book is explained to be along the same lines as the three levels of thinking. Experience, interpretation, and analysis. The scientific method also has 5 methods in which it follows which are: Identifying the problem, develop and initial hypotheses, gather additional information and refine the hypotheses, test the hypothesis, and evaluate the hypothesis on the basis of testing or experimental results.  These methods are basically used to conduct experiments and be able to use a method everytime to make sure you are conducting an experiment correctly.
-Mike Ross the Boss

November 11th-18th Question #2

Well, the most recent time I could think of when I got an observation reversed real quick, was when I was playing a video game. We were playing a match of two versus two in the game World of Warcraft, and I was playing a healer class to keep my friend alive, and at the beginning of the match the other team flew out of the gates and came and killed my character (theskip), being the negative Nancy I am, left the match thinking we would lose. But my friend (Punerbro) ended up one shotting the opposing teams mage (Magician) by using the Swifty one shot macro then fought a long battle to secure the victory for our team. Scientific knowledge plays a course in this game by first off having the battle be a 2v1 when I left, giving our team the clear disadvantage, but that all turned when my friend one shot the other character making it a 1v1, giving us an equal chance as them to win the game!
-Mike Ross the Boss

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nov 11th - Nov 18th

Be careful not to fall prey to your own idealism today, Aquarius. While this is one of your most admirable qualities, as it contributes to your romantic, creative nature, too much of anything can be harmful. It's important to see things as they are, despite how much you may wish them to be different. The real world doesn't always go hand in hand with your ideal place. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts.

When reading this horoscope of the day it is hard to truly believe if such thing can be true or not, but one thing that I noticed about this horoscope is how broad it is in the terminology it uses. I for one personally do not believe in horoscopes, since they can’t really base a whole person’s life off of the fact of what month they were born in. I feel that horoscopes are more of just something for people to relate to by using broad terms, and I believe that is one of the reasons it makes horoscopes falsible. The way they explain horoscopes lets people basically make them what they want to hear. Just like the idea of going to a palm reader, they use such broad ideas that people can make what they hear relate to them. There are several types of services that are based off such ideas and using broad terms to make people believe what is going on and I feel its more of a way to extort money from a customer than actually being true.
-Mike Ross

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov 4th-11th Question 3

One of the concepts from this week that interested me was the segment about the mass media.  In America, almost every house hold owns a television and if they don’t own a tv, there is some type of electronical device that keeps them connected to the mass media. I am not one of the Americans that spend endless hours watching t.v. so I do not get to see as many commercials as the rest of America. When I hear the term mass media I usually relate it to the television and the internet since they are the main sources that people get their information from.  But with new technology with cell phones people are getting more access from the mass media. From your cellphones alone you can access many of the social media websites such as facebook and twitter. And with the mass media there is also a second form of media called Niche media which is focused on the form of communication geared to narrowly defined audience. Mass media has a huge impact on the world today, and with  the impact it makes on the society it is important to understand the medias tactics.
-Mike Ross