Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 11th-18th Question #2

Well, the most recent time I could think of when I got an observation reversed real quick, was when I was playing a video game. We were playing a match of two versus two in the game World of Warcraft, and I was playing a healer class to keep my friend alive, and at the beginning of the match the other team flew out of the gates and came and killed my character (theskip), being the negative Nancy I am, left the match thinking we would lose. But my friend (Punerbro) ended up one shotting the opposing teams mage (Magician) by using the Swifty one shot macro then fought a long battle to secure the victory for our team. Scientific knowledge plays a course in this game by first off having the battle be a 2v1 when I left, giving our team the clear disadvantage, but that all turned when my friend one shot the other character making it a 1v1, giving us an equal chance as them to win the game!
-Mike Ross the Boss

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