With technology advancing every year, it is hard for an
individual to not be affected by the ideas and believes of the media. Smart
phones have enabled people to be able to keep up on all the latest political,
economic, and of course the gossip that is happening at almost all times.
Personally, as someone who does not own a smart phone the only way I get to see
the media is through watching the news (solemnly) or through the internet. I
keep up on almost all the new political news, and while the media try’s to force
ideas into my head to vote a certain I always use my own judgments to make the
final decision. But mainly, I try to keep myself away from the highly
Democratic and Republican channels such as Fox(Republican) and CNN(Democratic)
to avoid the bias information that they may pertain due to their background.
While watching the election at work they had the fox channel on and I was
getting frustrated by the information they were portraying because I knew it
was not true from research that I had done within the last week. The media has
a strong hold on the people these days, and we are being affected by it all the
time even if we may not know.
-Mike Ross
I agree with you completely that the media has a major impact on how we act and view things. An I agree that technology has made a major impact in how we see things. For example. Now that almost everyone has smartphones, you can easily get an update about anything in a matter of seconds. This changes so much for everyone. Now that we are constant aware allows a community to constantly be aware of our surrounds and that is something that has not every happened before. Now that famous people have an impact is a major change for the present a more for in the future.