Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov 4-11th Question 2

While attending San Jose State University, I have had to go through many different types of processes to prove to teachers that there is no plagiarized work being used, such as using desire2learn and In chapter 11 two professors Ressel Hunt and Brook J. Sadles discuss the issue of plagiarism and seeing if it is beneficial for student or harming them. Sadles believes that plagiarism only holds students back from their full potential and in the end their education is not worth as much as someone who did their own work. On the other hand Hunt promotes the idea of plagiarism. He thinks that if students are at least citing the sources, they should be able to use whoever work or other ideas that were given to them. I personally don’t even believe it is plagiarism if they cite these sources because they are giving correct credit to the people that deserve it. I personally agree with Hunt on the fact that people should be able to use others ideas if they at least give the credit to the people that deserve it.
-Mike Ross


  1. I have been aware of plagiarism since I was in elementary school. It has been a continuing topic of English class that I have encountered throughout my life. I have learned many lessons about plagiarism and how to avoid it when writing essays. I do believe that plagiarism does hold back students from their fullest potential, but most of the time plagiarism occurs when there is procrastination involved. Most of the time, it is due to procrastination or just the fact of laziness that people resort to plagiarizing. In my opinion, I also believe in Hunt's argument because many ideas are based upon others, so if the person cites the source where they get it from, then it is all good.

  2. Hey,

    Nice color scheme. Is this in honor of the 49ers? Anyway, I think that plagiarism is a big problem, especially at our campus. I often run into it in classes and people try to persuade me into doing it. I think that it is unfortunate that people dont take their education seriously enough to create their own work and do good at it. I dont think that people realize that plagiarism isn't just copying somebody on a paper. It could very well be copying somebody on a test, using someone's idea and creating work based on that, etc. It seems easy to get away with something like that, but I’m glad our school has some good systems in place in order to prevent it.

