Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nov 4th Question 3

This chapter of the book was very easy to read since it was a business related chapter and since I am a business major it kept my interest throughout the whole chapter. The part of the chapter that interested me the most was how advertising affects the media and how important it is to the success of a business. The three main purposes of advertising are first off to inform the consumers about a product or services, secondly to create product awareness and lastly to motivate customers demand for a certain product. Advertisements are used throughout the media to try to persuade people to buy their products or at least get them interested to do further research on the product. Companies but a large amount of money into there advertising team because it is one of the most important factors when it comes to a company. If your advertising team is weak it will be hard to get your product out on the market and get it known.
-mike ross

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