Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 4 Cause and Effect

When Cause and effect happens, it often shows a premise then a conclusion because of the premise. For example, I slept in too late so I missed my class. While sometimes the cause and effect may not be as clear as other situations, they will always be able to be pointed out. In the text book Dr. Novello has the problem that more teenagers are starting to smoke. Now there could be many possibilities of the cause in this situation but from the text it looks like that the ads that are being used to target teenagers and make smoking look like “the cool” thing to do. To fix this problem Dr. Novello pushed for the banning of advertising cigarettes to the youth and for schools to start educating students of the harms of smoking. I believe that these changes are helping because being educated about the harms of smoking and knowing what it does to your body makes it hard to smoke without thinking of what your doing to your body.
-mike ross

1 comment:

  1. Cause and Effect happens frequently and it is sometimes relatable to the butterfly effect. I agree with your post and how the changes she made made an impact and educated the youth about the harms of smoking. Smoking harms the body and I am happy that people like Dr. Novello care enough to make a difference. When she found out that the ads were causing teenagers to smoke, she was able to use her education to educate others. In today's society, I am thankful that there are not a lot of smoking ads like before. I believe the trend of smoking has gone down, which is overall a good thing.

